Three years since "" and a million times thinking about starting another blog, and here we are; a free one this time, and much easier to work with hopefully. For no one's benefit in particular but my own; it's nice to just ramble on for a while sometimes with no end goal. Suppose I could just write in my diary or start up a Word document too, but this way seems less work, and one day when I've had a chance to sort out our Picasa albums, we'll be able to have some pretty photos on here too.
How is it the end of June already? It never ceases to amaze me, how quickly the time goes. We've been back in Canada since the end of August, so it will soon be a year. We're still surprised when it's sunny and blue skies out, a habit hard to shake off after two years of living in England. We miss lots of things about Oxford: walking along the Thames and around town, cycling to work, picnics in the meadows, sitting around in a pub, Moo-Moo's milkshakes, "Never Mind the Buzzcocks", M&S, the university, all of our "mates"... and oddly enough, the rain and greyness, every once in a while.
On the other hand, Canada--that's the "Land of Moose & Maple Syrup" to the Brits--is pretty awesome in the summertime. Soaking in the sun on a patio somewhere, spending a lazy long weekend at the cottage, going camping--all things on my "Feel Good" list.
We're also liking Toronto much better this time around. We lived at Yonge & Eg for a year back in 2005 and didn't click with the city at all. Partly because I worked two jobs and completely different hours from Mike, and we were pinching pennies in a tiny studio apartment and saving up for the wedding and the Europe trip. This time we are living in a nice new condo with proper furniture and making an effort to get out and do things and explore everything the city has to offer. No car either, which most would see as an inconvenience but we see as one less thing to worry about.
Mike is loving his corporate real estate job at the Bank of Montreal and I, after 6 months working from home for my UK company, (yes I still URL drop whenever I can, though the readership of this particular blog is currently 1 consisting of yours truly) and two months of hiatus, am back on the job market. I've done the figure-out-what-I'm-going-to-do-with-my-life part so now I just gotta go find it. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, I just thought I'd put in an intro post so that the page doesn't look so drab and pathetic, so I think I'll go to bed and come back to this in a few days.
YES!! The ramblings of Sunny and Mike, Luv it!!