Mike, on the other hand, is a proper Kingston townie and has an older brother who's here in Toronto and an older sister who lives in Ottawa. Both of his parents still work and live in Kingston.
We first met in the Fall of 1995 in Ms. Conner's Grade 7/8 class at Lancaster Drive Public School. We were scrawny little kids then. Mike and his bestfriend Kyle enjoyed teasing me about whatever they could come up with at the time--as they continue to do now--and we all then went to Bayridge Secondary School where I may have developed a little crush on Mike. Anyway, we started going out in the Spring of 1999 and have been growing up together ever since. So I guess that would be 11 years now! What can I say, we kind of like each other.
Mike graduated from Queen's in Civil Engineering while I finished up with a science degree in Psychology. We both love to travel, eat, listen to good music, watch movies, and sit around and hang out. We did a road trip out to the east coast one summer camping at all the national parks and spent another living in Taiwan, teaching English, eating our way through the night markets, and traveling on and off the island.
After getting married at the end of August 2007, we spent two months trekking through central Europe then settled down in Oxford, England where we worked, lived, drank tea, cycled along the Thames, watched Spaced, got rained on, sat at the pub, ate curry, and took the piss out of chavs for two years.
So that's us, in a nutshell. Thanks for checking out our blog and keep in touch!
Mike & Sunny :o)
July 19, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario