Time's been flying and I've seriously been neglecting this blog and the rest of my personal correspondence for the past few months. To get you up to speed, not a whole lot of exciting things has happened apart from working, spending time with family at the cottage and in Kingston, and just generally hanging out.
After five months of training, it's really quite weird not having this obligation in the back of my mind to have to go out and run, and schedule everything else around running. I'm still not one of those people who loves to run and gets this high off the adrenaline, but I do kind of like switching off and just being outside by myself for a little bit so I am going to keep running at least once or twice a week, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I'm going to sign up for a full marathon anytime soon (or anytime ever)!
And lastly, after three months working as a personal assistant at a high-end interior design company, I have decided to get back on the job hunt. I would really love to make things and actually do things with my hands (like cards and photo albums or just putting stuff together rather than sit in front of a computer all day) so I'm looking into places like stationery designers, picture research/visual display/event planning/branding companies, magazines, publishers, TV stations, arts/media type things. Pretty scattered, I know, but that's my quarter-life crisis for you!
I am a bright & happy person who works hard at everything and is good at a lot of things (haha, that sounds vague, but if you know me, you know that that pretty much does sum it up!) so hopefully I'll find something soon! In the meantime, if any of you Toronto people come across anything or hear about people who are hiring right now, please do drop me a line, I'd really appreciate it!